Thursday, March 13, 2025

GBCS Students Participate in Terry Fox Run

On Wednesday, October 27, over 700 elementary students from Georgian Bay Community School took part in the 41st annual Terry Fox Run.

It was wonderful to get back to the annual tradition of celebrating our Canadian hero while raising funds for cancer research,” said organizers.

Under sunny skies and amidst beautiful fall colours, students headed outside to walk and run for an hour of their day. Students in JK to Grade 5 stayed on school grounds and walked or ran laps of the field in order to cover several kilometres, while students in Grades 6 to 8 walked a 3.5km route down the Georgian Trail.

Many students were sporting red and blue to commemorate Terry, and some also chose specific family members for whom they dedicated their efforts. After students participated in the Terry Fox Run, they were able to enjoy a Meaford-grown apple.

Special thanks go out to Vail’s orchards for their generous donation of apples.

This year, GBCS set a goal to raise $1,400, a toonie per kid. The donations so far have reached over $1,330.

If you would like to add to their total, you can visit our school donation page at:


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