Tuesday, February 4, 2025

GBCS Students Exceed Fundraising Goal For Terry Fox Run

On Thursday, September 21, all 1,200 students from Georgian Bay Community School participated in the annual Terry Fox Run.

Everyone spent time running, walking and even wheeling their way around the school track or yard, or hiking the Georgian Trail. True to the spirit of Terry Fox, students got out there and did what they could to carry on Terry’s vision and help others. Terry once said: “It took cancer to realize that being self-centered is not the way to live. The answer is to try and help others.” It was truly evident that many students were passionate about this goal of helping others as we participated together.

Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope 43 years ago now. His original goal was to raise one dollar from every Canadian, which would have been $22 million at the time. Terry put into motion an event that, to date, has raised over $850 million dollars for cancer research in Canada.

The students at GBCS did an amazing job working together to contribute financially to the Marathon of Hope. The school set a goal to raise $2,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation again this year. Announcements dangled the prize of extra recess time and even the thrill of watching our Principal kiss a goat if the goal could be met. To the delight of students, GBCS families helped to raise over $3,000 and this total continues to rise. Poor Mr. Wilson didn’t seem too upset about having to pucker up to kiss the goat.


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