Friday, March 14, 2025

Eligibility Expands for Third Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

On November 3, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, Ontario expanded eligibility for booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to additional high-risk groups.

For a complete new eligibility list, please visit:

  • Individuals aged 70 and over (based on calendar year, not date of birth)
  • Eligible Healthcare workers and designated essential caregivers in congregate settings
  • All Hospital and Acute Care Staff
  • All patient facing healthcare workers/staff involved in the COVID-19 response
  • Medical First Responders
  • Healthcare workers and designated essential caregivers in congregate settings (Assisted Living, correctional settings, shelters, Long-Term Care Homes, Retirement Homes, supportive housing, hospice and palliative care settings
  • Home and Community Care health care workers, providing in-person care
  • Individuals who received a complete series of a viral vector vaccine (Astra Zeneca), or one dose of Janssen vaccine.
  • Indigenous, Metis and Inuit adults (over 18 years of age), and any household members

All newly eligible groups must wait 6 months (168 days minimum) following their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to be eligible for a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

With this expanded list of newly eligible populations, the Grey Bruce Health Unit, in collaboration with the vaccine task force, and all municipalities, will be enhancing the vaccine delivery capacity in Grey and Bruce.

The Grey and Bruce Health Unit will host vaccine clinics at municipal locations such as arenas and community centres on a regular basis that will have enhanced capacity in comparison to the small pop-up clinics that were running in August, September and October.  These municipal clinics will not be to the scale of the large Hockey HUBS, however, will be able to accommodate the volume related to this enhanced eligibility.

A list of new clinic locations will be made available on the Grey Bruce Health Unit’s website in the near future.

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