Monday, March 31, 2025

Council Meetings Return to the Council Chamber For First Time in More Than Two Years

After more than two years, Meaford’s council meetings have returned to the council chamber on the 7th Line.

Good afternoon, and welcome back home!” Mayor Barb Clumpus exclaimed when she greeted fellow members of council and municipal staff at the beginning of Monday’s meeting. “It’s been a while, a couple of years since we’ve been in this hallowed place, and it is good to be back.”

Following the lead of the Province, the Municipality of Meaford declared a state of emergency in March of 2020 due to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, and council meetings moved to virtual online sessions and then moved to Meaford Hall once pandemic mandates had eased.

While the council chamber has limited seating, Meaford Hall offered the opportunity to provide social distancing for meeting attendees while mask mandates and social distancing protocols were still in effect.

Though meetings have returned to the council chamber, Meaford Hall will still be used for council meetings when significant ratepayer attendance is anticipated.

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