Monday, January 13, 2025

Concern About Billy Bishop Airport

Dear Editor,

I am a member of the aviation community at Owen Sound Billy Bishop Airport (CYOS) and a hangar owner. It perplexes me that, at a time when our Federal and Provincial governments are spending billions of dollars in aid for individuals and business, the town of Owen Sound has elected to turn the airport in to a ghost town. Owen Sound Council has crippled two viable aviation enterprises, devalued every hangar at the airport and driven away general aviation. I am speaking of the $35 landing fee that was implemented in March of this year by Owen Sound Town Council.

You may ask how this issue affects the residents of Meaford?

On the surface it appears to be an Owen Sound issue but because of a line on the County map it is very much a Meaford problem as well. Although the town of Owen Sound owns the land occupied by the airport, the airport itself is entirely within the Municipality of Meaford. As a result, any lease monies for hangars are paid to Owen Sound but property taxes flow to the Municipality of Meaford. This is a huge bargain for those who live in Meaford and surrounding area for they benefit from tens of thousands of dollars in tax monies without having to allocate significant funds to the airport.

If CYOS is compelled to fail because of a poorly thought out fee, the Municipality of Meaford stands to lose a substantial source of income. Since March, fuel sales have slumped dramatically and flights in and out of CYOS have dwindled.

I believe it’s time to start asking our elected officials how they plan to handle the problem.

Please click on the following link to learn more:

Mike Bellinger, Meaford

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