The current controversy over leash-free beach access at Memorial Park for dogs and their owners is a prime example of just how difficult it can be for a municipal council to please everyone.
It is no secret that in recent years high water levels on Georgian Bay have wreaked havoc on our shoreline causing damage and erosion, and creating headaches...
After more than a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we in Ontario find ourselves in yet another 28-day shut down, advised to stay home as much as possible, work from home if you can, and to limit gatherings with others.
The routine is not new, in fact most of us are experts in the field of shut downs at this...
In the early days of this pandemic, many, including myself, assumed that after a few months everything would be under control, and life would return to normal. More than 12 months later, normal seems very far away.
An article on the CBC website published on Monday suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic is “completely out of control in Ontario”. According to...
If your aging house was crumbling, and leaky, and your grandmother could no longer access all of the floors due to difficulty on the stairs, and you were told that you could build a brand new home, all on one floor, with updated modern amenities, and that you could make that purchase for half the actual cost, I would...
Last week we officially surpassed one full year since the COVID-19 pandemic marched into our lives, and has caused frustration and confusion ever since. With vaccines finally finding their way into the arms of Ontarians, the light at the end of the tunnel burns ever brighter.
As I have been reflecting upon the past 12 months, I find myself feeling...
It has been a few years since I've offered a tip of the cap to our local firefighters, but with some major fires in recent days, I was reminded of how fortunate we are to have two fine fire departments serving this municipality.
There is an old joke that nobody opposes socialism when their house is on fire and they...
Throughout the many long months of this pandemic, there has been plenty of time for reflection, and there have been many lessons to learn. None of us has experienced a global pandemic such as this in our lifetimes, and as frustrating and indeed downright depressing as life has been over the past 12 months, if anything good is to...
One of the most common criticisms I hear about our members of municipal council is also the most inaccurate criticism I hear – that our councillors make too much money, and they should take a pay cut before ever raising taxes.
Many think the job of a municipal councillor is an easy way to collect a paycheque, however some have...
Tuesday was our first day of newfound freedoms after the provincial stay at home order was lifted, and Grey-Bruce moved to the Yellow stage of Ontario's reopening framework. As if to prove that Mother Nature has a sense of humour, many of us found ourselves snow-bound at home after a significant overnight snowfall, causing school bus cancellations and a...
As I watched Premier Ford's press conference on Monday afternoon, during which he announced that the current stay at home order would be extended for one week before moving to a gradual reopening of our economy, the Premier looked tired, and he looked frustrated, or in other words he appeared the way many of us feel – exhausted and...