Saturday, December 28, 2024


Earth Week Organizing Team Thanks the Community

Letter to the Editor Editor, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said it best. “Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Earth Week was a lot of 'little bits of good’, and it is still not over. Sunday, May 7 is the rescheduled date for the Earth Day Memorial Park Clean-Up. The...

More Consideration Should be Given to Bridge Rehabilitation

Letter to the Editor Editor, I read the letter from Ray McHugh in last week’s Independent concerning our bridge woes and I felt a wave of common sense sweep over me. We get all these opinions from high-priced experts who, to a man (or woman), recommend drastic and expensive measures. This is not surprising since if they were to recommend something affordable...

Meaford Hospital Foundation Thanks Donors

Letter to the Editor Editor, We wish to acknowledge and extend our sincere appreciation for donations received in 2016In Memoriam Contributions Received for: Abercrombie, Don Adams, Blanche Almond, Cathy Aussant, Margaret Beaupre, Margaret Beeney, Brian Brown, John McInnis Brunskill, Jean Bumstead, Earl Cann, Joyce Clark, Viola Clock, Rob Comly, Isabel Comsky, Shona Cornfield, Ken Cox, Doris Crapper, Gord Dales, Mac Dean, Tiffany Deschenes, Diane Dick, Barbara Doherty , Brad Doran, Robbie Dustow, Mrs. Eagles, Sheila Falls, June Finlayson, Bernice Fitzsimmons, Alva Foster, Josie Gardner, Helen Glass, William Golbeck, Beatrice Goldmann, Helga Gordon, Florence Gower,...

Reader Not Happy With Meaford Hall Restructuring

Letter to the Editor Editor, When someone asks me what I love most about the town of Meaford, the answer is easy, The Meaford Hall Arts and Cultural Centre. As an artist, musician, teacher, and long term resident of this area, I have watched the Meaford Hall evolve into a high calibre and celebrated venue. It has been incredible to see the...

Infrastructure Woes a National Problem

Letter to the Editor The Editor, The Meaford Independent, Your LOCAL News Source is on the top of the front page, every time I get the paper. But, I wonder how many readers picked up on the fact that page 8, the Opinion page had our country's NATIONAL problems put under the spotlight. Local infrastructure needs have been very well explained on...

Suggestion For Addressing Rural Bridges

Letter to the Editor Editor, With respect to modern day engineering firms , no one will endorse repairing a 75-year-old bridge and stake their reputation on it. There are too many unknowns. So you get everyone recommending new bridges, built to current standards, even if these standards are way over the top for two single lane short span bridges. Meaford should just...

Meaford is Fantastic!

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, As a frequent visitor to Meaford, Ontario, I just wanted to take a few moments and write about how great the town is. Too many times when I am visiting and I read the “Letters to the Editor” section of the Meaford Independent I see negative comments and reviews about the town. I don’t live...

GBHS Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Letter to the Editor The Editor, I attended Tuesday night’s Public Meeting against downsizing OUR Meaford Hospital. Excellent turn out. Excellent points by our doctors, Training Base Rep., and individuals. Grey Bruce Health Services CEO and Meaford Hospital Board Chair are between a rock and a hard place. LHIN tells them 'Funding Formula' has changed, meaning more budgets cuts. They have no...

Hospital Board ‘Under Gun’ Imposed by Province

Letter to the Editor Editor, Although we may wish to demonize our hospital board for their suggestion to close our O.R. it really has little to do with them. They are simply under a gun imposed by the present Liberal government and are being forced into making unpleasant decisions which causes a storm of local protest, thus diverting attention from what...

Out of Town Motorist Appreciates Local Kindness

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, While driving on March 18, my vehicle hit a patch of ice on The Blue Mountains Euphrasia Townline where it meets Sideroad 9. Unfortunately, I could not make the turn and I slid over the embankment and hit a small tree. I'd like to thank everyone who stopped to see if I was OK, in...