Sunday, March 16, 2025


Recycling Tips

Letter to the Editor Editor, Some additional information in response to a recent letter about blue box recycling in Meaford: a. The Municipality of Meaford’s Blue Bin film plastic is definitely baled and sent to a company in the States for recycling. b. When one ties off the clear plastic bag loaded with film plastic, use the bag ends themselves for the tying.c....

Frustration Over Delays on Bake Shop Bridge Project

Letter to the Editor Editor, These reasons given for the delays to the bridge rebuilding schedule are truly pathetic. They (senior staff and Council) may as well have said the the dog ate the drawings. Three reasons were given: rain delays, need to fabricate a special pipe hanger, and reacting to missing thrust blocks. There is no explanation whether these delays...

British Visitor Hoping to Catch Up With Old Friends

Letter to the Editor Editor, I have tried before to no avail so thought I would try once again to see if I can get some response. In 1981 I was with 22 engineer reg in England posted to Meaford where we were working on the tank range in Meaford. I got to know some wonderful people who lived on the lane...

Thoughts on Taxation

Letter to the Editor Editor, I see that Mr. Miller wants input to his "round table" on the new tax regulations. Here is mine, and I hope that he gets some participants at the table who are pensioners, working poor, salaried employees, students, farm and factory and retail and food service workers etc. The vast majority of these people can't benefit from...

Trash Talk

Letter to the Editor Editor: Yesterday was garbage/recycle day for me. I put out our recycles in the blue box. I am trying to follow instructions to the best of my ability. Cardboard folded, cans washed, and plastic film in a clear plastic bag. I must have run afoul of the rules governing this type of recyclable because the bag was not taken. I looked...

OPEC Holding the World to Ransom

Letter to the Editor Editor, The recent jump in oil prices and the controversy about Canadian Supply Management under attack by Mr. Trump makes me wonder who is running the Canadian economy. What does OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) or any other of our supply-managed commodities have in common? During the period prior to 1999, prices...

Concerned About Condition of Georgian Trail

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I had a letter going to you on the condition of the Georgian Trail but in my recent ride on August 13 there was a change on the trail. I will explain as I go along, so here goes. I rode my scooter to Lora Bay in July, hoping I would not run out of power....

Community Continues to Mull Potential Library Options

Letter to the Editor Editor, In a recent issue of The Independent one of your readers suggested moving the library into Meaford Hall and moving the Hall art into the library, and then turning the library into an arts centre complete with gallery. On the face of it, this seems to be a great idea. The library would still be central to...

Reader: Electric Vehicle Drivers Should Avoid Meaford

Letter to the Editor Editor, The other day my wife and children were returning from a trip so I thought I would try our electric car to see if it was viable to drive long distances. I drove from Woodford to Blue Mountain and gave it a small charge at their free stations at the village. I then went to Barrie...

Easy Riders Love Meaford

Letter to the Editor Editor, The Easy Riders have visited Meaford for the second year in a row. More than 40 riders from the Kitchener bicycle group booked the entire Hilltop Motel and a corner of the Memorial Park Campground from August 15- 18. They had a wonderful time with better weather this year. Bike routes were mapped out well in advance...