Sunday, March 16, 2025


Infrastructure & Bureaucracies

Letter to the Editor Editor, You have to love bureaucracies, the bigger they grow, yet still manage to screw up, the solution is always more resources required. Meaford staff is recommending that two positions be created for project management. To quote the recent TMI article, “As our Treasurer/Director of Infrastructure Management conceded on Monday, this municipality has had its issues with projects...

When Hawking & Carlin Agree

Letter to the Editor Editor, I thoroughly enjoyed your rant (The 3 Rs, November 16 print edition) and George Carlin quote regarding the “Save the Planet” sentiment. I was laughing out loud when I recalled a famous Stephen Hawking quote which speaks to the same issue in a more eloquent manner.“The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized...

Reader Seeking Witnesses to Damage to Car

Letter to the Editor Editor, My white Ford Focus was parked just outside Dollarama on the morning of Friday 18th about 11:00. When I returned to my car, I noticed a large dent in the hood of the car as though someone had sat on the car. Did anyone notice anything? Karen Wilson, Meaford

Does Meaford Have a History of Listening to the Vocal Minority?

Letter to the Editor Editor, Meaford council approves another financial disaster (new library). Meaford has a history of listening to the vocal minority (the squeaky wheels get the grease) and making immature economic decisions (Meaford Hall example). Council is letting the staff run the show and approves their recommendations with little thought or question.Council said they had heard from many (please tell us...

Reader Offers Thoughts on Library Proposal

Letter to the Editor Editor, You’ve got to be kidding..... Still numb from figures as high as four million for a simple small town library, I now see an unbelievable seven million guesstimate. Have we all gone insane? Are there not many better ways to spend this kind of money? Is there not already a library for students in our high school?And what...

Wireless Water Meters Safer Than Many Devices We Use Daily

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: I write in reply to the October 27 Letter to the Editor entitled 'Concern About New Water Meters'. The authors have clearly misunderstood the technology employed in the meters about to be installed in Meaford homes. While it is true that the meters will transmit 24/7/365 – they do not transmit continuously 100% of the time....

Council Should Walk Slowly Toward Garbage Bag Tag Price Increases

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I understand that Meaford Council is evaluating a plan to gradually move our garbage bag tag system into a full cost recovery program ($4.50 per bag). Until such a time as everything is recyclable, ethically disposable, or more controllable by the end-user, it is important to leave the price as is ($3.00 per bag). We know...

Concern About New Water Meters

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: Thank you for publishing an article about the water meter replacement program. Rob Armstrong's September 28 memo to Meaford Council indicates that they plan to start installing the Neptune R900 radio frequency water meters inside people's homes at the end of this month. The last paragraph of Mr. Armstrong's memo indicates that people who are concerned...

MP Larry Miller: Holding the Government to Account

Letter to the Editor Editor, I am completely dismayed and disappointed in the way that our Prime Minister and Finance Minister are attacking hard-working small business owners, farmers, young workers, physicians, and just about every Canadian taxpayer. The mismanagement of so many files by this Government is simply unacceptable and they must be held accountable. It is impossible to believe anything that...

Another Successful Year of Sunday Evening Concerts For Friends of the Library

Letter to the Editor Editor, The summer concert series organized by the Friends of the Meaford Library once again had a very successful season at the Meaford Rotary Harbour Pavilion. It was another great series of concerts held every Sunday evening. This was the 19th year for the concert series and it is one of the major fund-raisers for the Friends of...