Sunday, March 9, 2025


Reaction to Council’s Business Sign Discussion

Editor, The reason politicians, from local to federal, spend so much time discussing items of no worth is simple. Such subjects require little thought, can be dragged out for hours but above all, they push forward more meaningful items to another day. I wish I had been party to the discussion on fonts at council. I would have been greatly amused....

Environmental Concerns and Managing Development

Dear Editor: On November 18, 2019, the Municipality of Meaford joined more than 800 Canadian communities in declaring a global climate crisis. A motion by Councillor Steve Bartley asked staff to bring back a report outlining ways and measures that can be taken within municipal operations to combat the climate emergency. The motion was carried 4 to 1, moving us...

Reader Pleased to See Local Students Participate in Terry Fox Run

Dear Editor, It is very heartwarming to see young people demonstrating their support for the Terry Fox Run. It is important for them to realize that Terry Fox, 18 years old under great physical duress, ran across Canada raising money for cancer research. At the same time we should recognize Hugh Timmerman, a long time resident of Meaford. A familiar figure on...

Paying Tribute to War Amps

Dear Editor, As we approach Remembrance Day, I’d like to pay tribute to the veteran members of The War Amps. The War Amps was started by amputee veterans returning from the First World War to help each other adapt to their new reality as amputees. They then welcomed amputee veterans following the Second World War, sharing all that they had learned. These...

Remembrance Day

During a moment's silence, on Remembrance Day, I watched a World War I veteran shed a tear. Was he remembering a gruelling task? Was he remembering a fallen comrade? Was he remembering a close call? Was he remembering the crosses in Flanders Field? Did he think he would ever return home? Did he think there would be another war? Does he now think they fought in vain? Does...

Councillor Offers Thoughts on Ward Systems

Editor, I would like to respond to editor Stephen Vance’s piece on municipal elections in the October 21st edition, specifically the relative merits of a ward system for the Municipality of Meaford. I too was disappointed that the staff report re: planning for the 2022 and future elections generated no debate. Councillor Bell went on record that he would like to...

TC Energy Responds to Recent Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I appreciate the opportunity to address Geoff Bowler’s letter that appeared in the October 14, 2021 edition of The Meaford Independent. I want to clarify how our pumped hydro storage project in Meaford will benefit ratepayers by using electricity currently being wasted and by stabilizing prices by using off-peak, cheaper power. It is well known that Ontario sells electricity...

Reader Sees No Value in Pumped Storage Proposal

Editor, Having read various letters and articles regarding the Pumped water scheme on the Base and Georgian Bay, I have my own opinion on this make money project. It's not green tech, it's old tech, having passed one in Scotland in 1964, ex RAF. The one aspect of this project that no one has mentioned is the Government of Canada talking out...

On Development We Have to Get it Right

Dear Editor, While I appreciate your paper's coverage of the public meeting and the illustration of the concerns residents had with the Centre Street development, I think a high level concern of many of the residents at this meeting was somewhat overlooked. We are at a critical juncture in the future of our town. Meaford is the proverbial last lily pad...

Remembrance Day is Approaching, Here’s What You Need to Know

Editor, This is an open letter to the residents of Meaford. As we all know the Royal Canadian Legion have long been recognized as the keepers of Remembrance in this country. The global pandemic notwithstanding, this is still the case. Things have not progressed to the point that we can get back to what we always do for our veterans and...