Monday, March 3, 2025


President Trump Has United Canadians

Editor, It’s not about fentanyl or even illegal immigration. That is just meat he feeds the MAGA hats. It’s becoming very clear to me that he believes in the old theory of “Manifest Destiny”. He wants to be emperor/king of everything north of the "Gulf of America". He thinks Canada should be the next US state. He plans to use...

Thoughts on Upcoming Provincial Election

Dear Editor, I saw a picture of Joel Loughead that did him no justice, and I was truly turned off. However, I was invited to a meeting with him, so I went. He was delightful and nothing like what I had imagined. How often do we make judgements on lack of knowledge? There will be more meet the candidate meetings...

Does Growth Really Benefit a Community?

Dear Editor, It appears in all likelihood that we will be heading to the polls for both a Provincial and Federal election before the flowers are in bloom and the corn is planted in farm fields. I wonder if those folks that vote will consider the recent policies of our senior levels of government when it comes to growth management? Municipalities...

Reader: Long Term Gain Might be Worth Short Term Inconvenience

Mr. Editor, I would like to thank Mr. Essington for referring to a power generation technology that is rarely mentioned, even though it has been in the public eye since the launching of the nuclear submarine 'Nautilus' in the mid 1950s. I agree with him that small nuclear facilities will be an important part of the energy mix in the...

Reader Shares Thoughts on Pumped Storage Proposal

Editor, In regards to Jim Hepple’s thoughtful and well reasoned critique in the letters on January 9, of the proposed pumped energy storage proposal for the Meaford Tank Range, the author makes some valid points. Indeed Pumped energy storage is a tried and proven technology, but is it appropriate for the Niagara Escarpment. He seems to have overlooked the cost of...

Reader: Pumped Storage Proposal a Boondoggle

Editor, “Boondoggle: A work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the impression of being of value.” When you look across Canada, you find wide differences in how the Provinces and Territories source their electricity. Quebec gets 97% of its power from hydroelectric. Nunavut gets 100% of its power from oil. Geography and history all play their part. But what of Ontario? Most of...

Praise For Nurse Practitioners

Editor, I would like to say a few words of praise for Lindsay Myles (our new Nurse Practitioner}. My first appointment with Lindsay took place just over a week ago! I felt rather anxious about my first visit because of past experiences with the health profession. As soon as I walked into her office, I knew I had finally found...

Reader: Energy Storage Will Not Change Our Climate

Editor, I write in response to a recent submission to the paper by Mr. J. Hepple of Meaford. With great respect to Mr. Hepple and to the millions of other people who might share his points of view on this subject, it is clear there exists a complete misunderstanding of the subject of 'Climate Change'. Firstly, with respect to energy storage,...

The ‘I don’t care who gets hurt as long as I get what I want’ Attitude Has Become Pervasive

Dear Editor, I think your decision to publish Mr. Hepple and Mr. MacDougall’s excellent letters back-to-back (January 9 issue) perfectly illustrates a problem within our society that grows worse with every passing year. Although neither of those gentlemen said so explicitly, they both raise concerns springing from some of us holding beliefs that can only be characterized as “I don’t care...

Reader Searching For Others Owed Funds by Developer

Editor, In good faith I gave Georgian Bay Terrace money held in trust by their lawyer Jeff McLoughlin for the condo yet to have broken ground in Meaford. The critical date for my funds to be returned in good faith is now past due, December 31, 2024. If anyone else is also waiting for funds please let me know. Thanks, Barb Rosen, Meaford