Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Appreciation For Support of Ukraine


As a Ukrainian-born Canadian, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers, teachers and especially the wonderful students of the Georgian Bay Community School who had held a school fundraiser in April, to support the people of Ukraine. Your enthusiasm and school spirit showed me that there is still a lot of love for your fellow man in this, sometimes, conflicted world. We are very proud to have been associated with such a great community for a number of years and hold many happy memories of Meaford during our time there. We salute the students who took part in this wonderful expression of love and caring for others not so fortunate, during their time of greatest need.

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts and wish you success in future endeavors. God Bless!

Slava Ukraini ! ( Glory To Ukraine ) Heroyam Slava ! ( Glory To Its Heroes )

George & Janet Potopnyk, Stedman dealers in Meaford, 1983-2007.

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