Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Successful GBCS Earth Day Hike

On Monday, April 22, the sun was shining, and the temperatures rose enough to put a spring in the steps of over 700 elementary students from Georgian Bay Community School who had the pleasure of taking part in the annual Bruce Calvert Earth Day Hike.

Kindergarten students hiked the school yard perimeter while enjoying some music and bubbles, while the older students hiked down the St. Vincent Street hill to the Georgian Trail. They were met by Grey Sauble Conservation’s Vice-Chair, Al Wilcox. He joined the mass of students as they continued along the trail, and said he was pleased at the effort made to help Grey Sauble Conservation.

Most classes hiked for a full hour, being cheered on by several members of the Calvert family. They thoroughly enjoyed their time outdoors. When classes returned to the school they were treated to a snack of apples, bananas, and oranges. Some of these were generously donated by Godard’s Your Independent Grocer and by Grandma Lambe’s. Georgian Bay Youth Roots also made a sizeable donation that helped to support the cause and paid for the rest of the fruit.

In 2008, Bruce Calvert began the Earth Day Hike as a fundraiser for the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation and for the local schools here in Meaford. This tradition continues today. Donations were collected by students and half of the proceeds will go to the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation, while the other half will go to greening of the school yard. This year students collected over $1,500 in donations.

Special thanks go out to the volunteers, donors, staff, and students who helped to make our Earth Day hike and celebrations such a success,” said organizers of the hike.

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