Thursday, October 24, 2024

Reader Responds to MP Miller’s Letter

Letter to the Editor


Larry Miller’s recent letter to TMI (November 18) criticizes the federal Liberals’ plan to settle 25,000 refugees as “entirely a politically motivated policy”.

Let’s go back a few months when Mr. Miller’s boss, the much unloved Stephen Harper, became all strung out because a young Muslim woman, Zunera Ishaq, wanted to keep her face veiled during her Oath of Allegiance. Harper strenuously objected and literally made a federal case out of it. He was enthusiastically joined by Miller who had his own hissy fit, publicly declaring that anyone who wants to cover their face during the Oath should “get the hell back where they came from”.

The entire issue which should be a non-issue to normal human beings was clearly used by Miller/Harper as tinder to stoke the Conservative base. Entirely politically motivated.

Mr. Miller is very good as the pot who calls the kettle black.

Mike Belec, Meaford


Ms Ishaq recently took the oath (veiled ) and is now a Canadian citizen. I personally hope she becomes a MP and takes her seat (veiled) in full view of the Honourable Larry Miller.

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