Thursday, March 6, 2025

Invasive Weed Management Begins in Rural Meaford

The County of Grey is working with local municipalities, including the Municipality of Meaford, to stop the spread of invasive weeds along rural roadways throughout Grey County. The work is scheduled to take place in late May through to the end of June (weather permitting).

Navius Flex (30922) will be applied in overgrown and weedy areas (not manicured lawns) along various road sections. Navius Flex (30922) is an approved herbicide shown to be effective in targeted control of wild chervil along road allowances, as well as several invasive weed species including wild parsnip, wild carrot, and giant hogweed without negatively impacting other vegetation, humans, or pollinators.

The product will be applied using a broad cast spraying unit along the municipal right of way (both sides) on identified road sections in the eastern portion of the Municipality.

For more information including frequently asked questions on Meaford’s vegetation management program, and for a full list of management locations, visit


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