Thursday, March 6, 2025

Where Was Tory Concern About Identity When Police Wore Face Shields and Removed Their Name Tags While Trampling on Canadian Rights?

Letter to the Editor

Mr. Editor,

Your immediate and direct critique of MP Miller’s recent radio response to a listener was most appropriate. You were probably the first of many commentators and journalists across this nation to take exception to the twisted mindset of the Larry Miller Conservatives.

Unfortunately, there are far too many in our population who agree with Miller’s comments and they will continue to support him and his leader. He could again top the polls. Perhaps we can and should prevent that from happening. I certainly hope we have some solid, smart, sensible local candidates from which to choose in this campaign. Is it time for strategic voting? A split vote could yield a repeat result.

Miller’s statement was another in a long list of similar public utterances across the nation by the Harper puppets. Could it be, as many suggest, part of a plan to garner votes from the masses who agree with their position and also divert our attention from an economy going down the tubes?

Why are we so upset because an individual with different beliefs, who is willing to be identified with face uncovered BEFORE being sworn in as a Canadian citizen, wishes to be dressed according to her custom during the ceremony?

Where were Mr. Miller and his ilk when gangs of police waded into peaceful protesters, as well as others simply going to work or out to a movie, during the Summit Conference in Toronto? Many police, night sticks swinging and boots kicking, rounded up citizens who had every right to be where they were and locked them into pens without charges. Some were injured and many had no food or water or toilet facilities for some time and they had done absolutely nothing wrong! Many of those police, who carried out what are generally considered to be crimes, HAD HELMETS OVER THEIR HEADS, SHIELDS OVER THEIR FACES AND THE MANDATORY NAME TAGS REMOVED INTENTIONALLY SO THEY COULD NOT BE IDENTIFIED.

The few agitators there to cause problems deserved to be charged and arrested and convicted.

However, Mr. Miller, PM Harper and their caucus partners had no comment about faces being covered when our rights as Canadians were being trampled on by police who could not be identified. Of course, that police behaviour was permitted and encouraged because Mr. Harper was hosting the conference, which was moved from Muskoka to Toronto at the last minute. (Remember that expensive fiasco for which we paid many millions?) The PM didn’t like protests which might embarrass him. Talk about double standards!

I have had some casual contact with MP Miller over the past few years and he is a very likeable person.

No doubt, he has accomplished things in our riding that deserve recognition and we will be reminded of those examples during the campaign. Nevertheless, it is time for all of us to take a hard look at what other candidates have to offer. Maybe there will be a better choice and Grey-Bruce Owen Sound can, after the next election, be on newspaper front pages and the National news for the right reasons.

Jim Hepple, Meaford

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