Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Liberal Candidate Reacts to Miller Comments

Letter to the Editor


Recent comments made by Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MP Larry Miller regarding traditional face coverings serve to underline the disconnect between the Harper Government and Canadian citizens.

Miller, in remarks on an open line radio show, commented that, “If you’re not willing to show your face…if you don’t want to do that, stay the hell where you came from.”

He was referring to the case of a Muslim woman who chose to war a niqab while taking the Canadian citizenship oath.

Those comments are unacceptable and un-Canadian.

There are few people living in this country who did not begin as immigrants. This nation – and this community – has been built on the strength of those people who chose to come here, who shared their culture and traditions, and who made their own contribution to our communities. Mr. Miller owes an immediate apology to our community, and to immigrants across Canada who treasure cultural practices which enhance – not harm – our Canada.

Miller went on to claim that it is his belief that ‘most Canadians’ feel the same way he does about the cultural practices of immigrants.

Mr. Miller is clearly out of step with the views of most Canadians, and many of the constituents in his own riding. He has offered up a chilling example of the kind of politics that creates confrontation and suspicion. This kind of comment from a public official has no place in a tolerant Canada.”

Kimberley Love, BGOS Federal Liberal Candidate

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