Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Could Meaford Handle the Construction Phase of Proposed Pumped Storage Plant?

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

The letter of July 30 in The Independent from Robert Greenfield brought up some excellent points regarding the availability of workers to fill the possible 1,000 or so jobs from TCE if the PSP is not stopped.

Here is MY point. I live approximately half way up the 7th line from Hwy 26. I am concerned about the amount of traffic that will be created from the 1,000 plus workers and their vehicles on a daily basis.

Imagine an already busy 7th line (because it is) with 1,000 to 1,200 vehicles of the PSP employees, and then add in the vehicles to move the machinery and equipment needed to actually build the project. Also, something to be considered, will the work schedule be 5 days a week or 7 days? Even if half of those workers are in attendance each day they all go in and out, up and down the road for four years or more, just to build this project which will be so out dated when it is finished that it could possibly be abandoned.

Our beautiful area could be ruined for no good reason at all. The dozens of walkers, joggers, baby carriages, dog walkers, and bike riders that use the road daily will have to go elsewhere if they don’t want to take their life in their hands. The air quality will diminish and of course the noise level will increase.

This area of the 7th, Georgian Beach, Kiowana Beach, Sunnyside Beach, Cedar Ave, Harbour Drive, and Captains Court is one of the most beautiful and desired areas in the municipality. If this project goes ahead it will affect the appeal considerably, and the feel of a vacation spot will disappear forever. I feel the real estate markets may take a dip as well. There is no part of this project that makes sense to me.

I’ve been on the 7th for 33 years, I would like to enjoy my retirement.

I’m against the TransCanada Energy Pump Storage Project.

Nancy Loudoun, Meaford

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