Friday, March 14, 2025

Support For Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am in favour of the proposed power station on the Meaford Tank Range. A social benefit of growing up in a small town is that you get to know and appreciate a wider spectrum of society: labourers, professionals, merchants, farmers, all in the same school playground or pool hall.

We used to have diverse industries supporting hundreds of families, training students, but even the historic hardwood flooring companies are gone. We should encourage, not deter, new industry for young families to live here and to fill the schools and playgrounds.

A diverse source of income makes an economy more stable. Private sector industry balances the revenue cycle by providing taxes needed for public sector pensions, other social services, and infrastructure.

Let’s encourage the power plant and make sure they make a taxable profit along the way.

Craig Jowett, Meaford

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