Friday, March 14, 2025

The Pet Expert: Keeping Your Dog Entertained Indoors

The Pet Expert:  Keeping Your Dog Entertained IndoorsAs our community members work hard to maintain social responsibility through distancing and isolation, sooner or later we all tend to get a little stir crazy.

And while dogs the world over are thrilled with having their favourite humans around for unlimited snuggles, keeping dogs consistently occupied and out of trouble can be a challenge for many.

Most dogs have high energy requirements, especially working breed dogs. They require plenty of exercise, both physical and mental. Without providing the right outlets for this energy, behavioural problems will ultimately arise. A bored dog will express their frustration in many ways: chewing things around the home, excessive barking, whining, restless behaviour, and more.

Fortunately, there are many things pet owners can do to keep their dogs happily occupied and stimulated. All it takes is a little preparation and creativity.

Enrichment Toys

Everyone has a Kong toy lying around. And while a Kong toy is considered the original enrichment toy, pet products have evolved over the years, and now there are plenty of stuffable dog toys to choose from.

In my opinion, the best enrichment toys on the market are the Kong Quest Forager, and the PetSafe Chilly Penguin. These products are very well made, and provide tons of positive enrichment for dogs of all shapes and sizes.

Enrichment toys are great because you can stuff them and freeze them. Once frozen, dogs must figure out how to eat the stuffing through licking and chewing. A frozen enrichment toy can be stuffed with all sorts of delicious foods; just try to stick to safe and healthy options. Canned dog food and peanut butter are the most popular choices for stuffing enrichment toys, however you can stuff them with anything your dog will be attracted to. Variety is key, so switch it up frequently.

Once your pooch is finished, simply wash the toy with soapy water, re-stuff and freeze. It is wise to have a minimum of two enrichment toys on hand so you always have a spare when you need it.

There are also many DIY enrichment activities you can do from home with supplies you already have:

  • Take slices of fruits and vegetables (apples, sweet potato, cucumber, etc.) and feed a string (or shoelace) through several pieces. Next, tie each end of the string to something secure (kitchen chairs work well) like a doggy-treat clothesline. Now your dog has the challenge of removing the treats from the string! It’s fascinating to watch their thought process as they figure it out.

  • Take a towel or t-shirt and lay it on the floor. Sprinkle a few tasty treats on one end of the towel, and begin to roll it up. With each roll, sprinkle a few more treats until the towel is all rolled up. Now, your dog has a towel burrito! Watch him as he uses his nose and his paws to unroll the towel to get his rewards. His tail will be wagging like crazy with excitement!

  • Cut 2-3 small holes in one side of an empty 2 L bottle. Next, place some tasty treats or kibble in the bottle, and as your dog rolls around the bottle, it will reward the interaction by dropping treats. Think about the size of holes you want to cut, and how many. The fewer the holes, and the smaller the opening, the more difficult the challenge.

All these activities should be done under proper supervision. If your dog begins to eat the non-edible parts, please take it away and offer something else instead. DIY enrichment toys are all about experimentation; try new things and see how your dog responds.

Bonding Activities in the Home

There are all sorts of fun activities you can do with your dog. Not only is this the perfect way to curb boredom for both pets and people, it will also provide a great means for bonding with your best friend.

  • Scavenger hunt: Hide a series of tasty treats around the home, and encourage your dog to use his sniffer to find them all. Get creative with where you hide the treats, and cheer him on as he finds his hidden treasures.

  • Hide and seek: Simple stuff here. Have someone in the family hide in the house, and encourage your dog to find them.

  • Learn a new trick: Now is the perfect time to learn some new tricks. With the help of the internet, it has never been easier to find tutorials for teaching new tricks and skills from home. Your dog will love the interaction; the feeling of learning new things will be very rewarding for him.

These activities are great for the whole family, so try to get everyone involved. Consider challenging family members to come up with their own unique enrichment activities, and try them out. Have fun, be creative, and try new things. Boredom will quickly become a thing of the past.

Brandon Forder, known as The Pet Expert, is vice-president of Canadian Pet Connection, an industry leader in healthy pet lifestyles. Brandon holds multiple certifications in pet nutrition, and has more than twenty-five years’ experience specializing in pet health and behaviour. He has written hundreds of informative pet-related articles for newspapers, magazines, radio, and the popular Ask the Pet Expert Blog. Brandon is highly skilled in pet problem solving, and enjoys teaching others about smart and responsible pet ownership. To learn more, visit

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