Wednesday, March 12, 2025

In Defense of Buskers

Letter to the Editor


This letter is in regards to the person who unbelievably phoned the police on a man who was busking outside of Bill’s Valumart on the evening of Tuesday, November 26.

What motivation could you possibly have for trying to stop a person from making a few dollars to feed himself and his dog? He was not blocking the entrance or impeding anyone from going to where they needed to go. He was merely trying to put some money in his pocket.

Perhaps he was on private property. He wasn’t in front of your house. Where is he supposed to go? Where is your compassion? Where is your humanity?

Here is a man attempting to better his situation in life. We all want that. Yet your attitude and actions preclude people with difficulties from becoming healthy, happy and more productive in our community.

So I ask you, Sir or Madam, exactly how can a struggling person get up when others like yourself make concerted efforts to keep him down? I will therefore suggest that the problem is not the man busking. The problem is you.

Rather than phoning the police on someone who is trying to help himself, perhaps you ought to reach out and lend a helping hand. Shame on you!

Whoever you are, may this letter find you. I hope you have a merry Christmas and that you are thankful for all you have. You may even give a thought to those less fortunate than yourself.

Lorraine Fraser, Meaford

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