Thursday, January 30, 2025

Regarding Dinosaurs in Our Midst

Letter to the Editor

To the editor,

I always know we are in for an editorial treat when the name-calling and virtue signalling tactics used by the progressive left start in the title instead of waiting for at least the second sentence of the first paragraph.

Sure, Harley has been around for a while, but it doesn’t mean his ideas are out of date. Talk about tropes! I’d love to go back to a time when roads were in good shape, taxes were much lower, and major investments weren’t made to serve a small segment of the community. Perhaps you should rethink your words and make an argument with some substance. Take some time to investigate the whole greening effect in some detail. You might be surprised. Poppycock indeed!

I considered entering into a serious debate with you about the whole Climate Change debacle, but clearly you have been thoroughly educated by those great scholars that include Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, Justin Trudeau, and Bill Nye and have read scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals like the Toronto Star, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. It would be futile since I only have a PhD in a hard science, spent 35 years building mathematical models for complex systems, published in journals that few have heard of, and spent several hours a days for the last few years studying the underlying data and detailed arguments the are part of the Climate Change debate. Clearly, I am also a Dinosaur.

Still, I’d rather be a Dinosaur than a Lemming.

Paul Layman, Annan

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