Wednesday, February 5, 2025

New Gateway Signs Have Been a Team Effort


new gateway singage 270Over the years there have been many recommendations to develop gateway signage in the municipality.

As far back as 1999 the suggestion was heard, primarily through the provincial and national Communities in Bloom Competition, as well as the Port Dover First Impressions Exchange, where the judges’ comments were aligned; this community should renew our identifier signage.

In 2015, Meaford’s council acknowledged the need, and financially supported the project. A sub working group of the Economic Development Committee was created by then-councillor Shirley Keaveney, and interested volunteers were brought together to explore potential design concepts along with Meaford’s Economic Development Officer, Stephen Murray.

This volunteer group piqued the interest of industrial designer and local resident Earl Helland, who was the creative force behind the east and west entrance signs now in place. Norm Glas, experienced in signage design, also consulted on the project.

The signage team is very proud of the design, feeling that the concept depicts our agricultural roots and demonstrates that Meaford is a municipality that is on the move!” said Deputy Mayor Shirley Keavney.

The volunteers remain active and are responsible for the design and completion of the landscaping for the easterly gateway sign. Sandra Coburn and Liz Harris created the vision and implemented the plan with great assistance from municipal staff to man the backhoe.

This group is grateful for financial support from Grandma Lambe’s and donations from Ormsby’s Garden Centre.

Without this generosity the landscaping portion of the project could not have been accomplished this year,” said Keaveney.

The Signage Sub Working group is moving forward with design concepts for the hamlets of Bognor, Leith, and Annan. New settlement markers will be installed this summer. This team will also be involved in providing recommendations for additional signage within the boundaries of the municipality.

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