Thursday, March 13, 2025

Concern About Land Transfer Request & Zoning Amendment Application For Leith Beach

Letter to the Editor


In the village of Leith we have a very small gem called Leith Beach. It has been a publicly owned park for possibly 70 years, and we now have been notified that there is a survey and plan to re-zone the parcel, and to sell approximately 75 percent of the land for the profit and benefit of one individual. His plan is to demolish his current residence adjacent to the park, buy the land from the municipality, and construct a three-story building to be a pub/restaurant—with living quarters in it. He will privately own most of what is now public parking area, leaving park visitors with a single small driveway and few parking spots.

And here’s a kicker—the application spells out that should the applicant cease operating a business there, it may revert to a private dwelling—lovely valuable waterview residence for the owner. Public washrooms would no longer be public. What an amazing coup—privatize public land creating a sizeable very valuable property!

Villagers and visitors in large numbers park here, then enjoy kayaking, canoeing, sailboarding, sail boating, fishing, picnics, swimming, photography, and watching sunsets.

It is unconscionable to think we would be forced to give up most of our park—particularly the one-way SAFE circular drive, by a decision that will be irrevocable forever. To profit one citizen and change park usage for hundreds. This park was a gift many years ago from the Rixon sisters—for the public’s enjoyment.

It is our park. This should NEVER happen.

There will be a meeting on June 10 at 6 p.m. at Council chambers, 157859 7th line, Meaford, to discuss this proposal.

Peggy Richardson

Mike Simpson

Barry Coke

Marnie Coke

Jackie Peifer

Brent McLaughlin

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