Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mayoral Candidate Jim McPherson Challenges Clumpus on Parks Bylaw Interpretation

Letter to the Editor


It was written online in the Meaford Independent that Mayor Barb Clumpus believes By-law 2018-68 is being “deliberately misinterpreted by some candidates.”

In response, I say it is impossible to misinterpret the intent of the Parks use bylaw as it is clearly stated in the recommendation: “It should be clear that the intent of the by-law is to prohibit use of all parks from November 1 to April 30.”  There are a lot of issues with the new parks bylaw beyond closing the parks.  Please read the bylaw, By-law 2018-68.  It can be found on the site under the Council Portal, Agenda for Sept 24th.   Make up your own mind. 

I would also like to remind readers that there are other important issues facing our community, other areas where the current Council has failed to represent Municipality of Meaford residents.  Let’s consider the lack of funding for roads and bridges, the lack of an OPP policing contract and the lack of oversight in obtaining an independent appraisal of the library site to name just a few.    

Thank you,

Jim McPherson, Candidate for Mayor

*Editor’s note: To clarify, an independent appraisal was undertaken prior to the purchase of the Foodland building per council’s direction to staff on September 25, 2017

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