Thursday, March 13, 2025

An open letter to the Residents of the Municipality of Meaford From Outgoing Councillor Mike Poetker

Letter to the Editor

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

At the end of November 2018 I will no longer be a councillor to the people of this community. I shall remain as an advocate and ambassador to any that wish to visit or move here. As a lifelong resident I have enjoyed the Meaford Lifestyle, pace, and yes even the climate (mostly).

Eight years ago I put forward my name and intentions to seek election to represent you and this Municipality and you elected me. Twice. Thank you.

I saw a need for reasonable councillors to lead us into the century and I thank my fellow councillors for standing with me in our determination to be those of reason. We have completed an admirable task but let me say it could not have been done without the hard work and dedication of all our staff. From the feet on the street right up to the CAO. Well done. The challenges left to us were great and hard decisions were made. No longer the ridiculed town we are now admired by our peers. Yes, admired.

As we head into another election I ask that each and every one of you do one thing. Think.

Close Facebook and think.

If you want facts, ask someone who knows. Ask a current councillor. Ask someone who attends every council meeting – like the editor of this newspaper. Ask yourself (since you are now thinking) what can you reasonably expect will happen with taxes? What legislation is in place that allows taxes to be cut and still deliver the services you expect?

And most of all, look to your neighbours and ask what they need. Is this just about you and your needs or those of this entire wonderful Municipality? Diverse as we are there are many common needs. Clean water, good roads, accessibility to information – both intellectual for lifelong learning and physical for those who can’t manage stairs or have visual or audibility challenges and more. How about snowplowing and parks? (they remain open – get the facts) and finally, be respectful of each other.

I’m not leaving town and I am voting – after I think.

Respectfully and Gratefully,

Mike Poetker, Meaford

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