Friday, March 14, 2025

Re-Use Fair Approaching


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Are you a community group or school with a wish list of items you could really use? Are you a good-hearted citizen ready to donate these items?

Members of Transition Meaford and the Municipality of Meaford have announced the 5th Meaford Re-Use Fair on October 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre.

A Re-Use Fair is a one‐day community event where unwanted but re-usable household items are collected and passed on to charities, non‐profits, artisans, and schools that need them. Re-Use Fairs are not for monetary gain but free events held to promote the concept of re-use in our community.

Working towards Zero Waste, which includes encouraging more re-use, is a strategy that is being accepted as a smart and sustainable solution, and this year the Re-Use Fair will be happening during Canada Waste Reduction Week, from October 15 – 21. The Municipality of Meaford rose to the challenge of reducing waste in 2011 and was number one in waste reduction and diversion in Ontario. Continuing the Re-Use Fair is the perfect vehicle to further build upon our municipality’s success.

Community groups are invited to submit a Wish List of specific items that their group needs to the Re-Use Fair organizing team; for example Meaford Community Gardens may wish for a used push-by-hand lawn mower. Wish List Order Forms are available on website, at the Meaford Library, Museum, and the Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre, or by contacting Jaden at and/or 519-378-5435. Wish List Order Forms must be submitted to Jaden by September 30.

The Master Wish List will then be publicized starting October 3, at under Special Events on the homepage as well as at the Meaford Public Library, Meaford Museum, the Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre, and other locations around the Municipality of Meaford.

On the day of the Re-use Fair on October 20, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., donors may bring wished-for items to the Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre. At the end of the day, the items are picked up by community group representatives.

Want to lend a hand with the Re-Use Fair? Contact Jaden at and/or 519-378-5435.

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