Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Thoughts on Planned Raking of Sauble Beach

Letter to the Editor


No doubt you and many residents of Meaford Municipality are aware of the rising groundswell of opposition to the planned (heavy machine) raking of Sauble Beach by the Town of South Bruce Peninsula.

Those cautioning against this action are not just “Plover Lovers”, although that’s not a bad thing to be! The concerns are as much, if not more, based on an awareness and understanding of environmental interdependence and long term effects of human interference.

That the endangered Plovers chose to return to this area after a thirty year absence was only one indicator of a healthy environment. The Blue Flag designation of Sauble Beach recognized this. The removal of the Blue Flag in 2015 resulted from that municipality’s disregard for advice from scientific and environmental experts, while stating that “people want a clean beach”. If “clean” means indiscriminate elimination of nature, we’re in big trouble.

Management of environmentally sensitive dunes and wildlife requires long-term vision and caretaking, involving all interests, not just those focused on the tourist dollar. Although one might also keep in mind the growing popularity of “Eco-tourism”!

We who are fortunate to live in proximity to so many natural wonders have a special responsibility to take an interest in and speak up for the protection of same. Sauble Beach may not be on our doorstep, but it’s certainly in our neighbourhood. If you care about your neighbourhood, please speak out.

The MNRF has threatened fines but has failed to act.

Premier Kathleen Wynne:

Town of South Bruce Peninsula:

A good site to look at for more information is: (The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation)

Jean Koroway, Annan

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