Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Residents to Debate Hiring of New CAO

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir,

The topic of whether we should have a Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipality of Meaford appears to be on the minds of many concerned taxpayers. In order to discuss and discover all the benefits, pro or con of this staff position for Meaford, a ‘Grand Debate’ will be held on Thursday, April 5, commencing at 7 p.m. at the Meaford Golf Club.

The invitation sent to our Mayor Clumpus read:

Our understanding is that you are in favour of hiring a replacement CAO. We therefore request that you participate and argue your position in a 15 minute speech… your participation in this debate will be greatly appreciated.”

Her reply was:

I must decline your invitation to this debate. This smacks of a campaign position to me and the campaign period cannot begin until a declaration of a candidate’s intent to run in the election has been made.”

There was no mention in our invitation of an election, candidate’s position, or intent of anyone to run for office. It was an invitation to open debate, free speech, discussion and examination of facts surrounding a topic of major interest. The end resolution could save our declining, ageing taxpayers over $250,000 in the next year.

In my humble opinion, this is yet another example of our Mayor’s mentality of jumping to incorrect conclusions; assuming she always knows best and failing to participate in reasoned debate. Because she is obviously afraid to publicly state and support her position, we now have to locate a councillor or any other interested party to argue the ‘FOR’ position.

P.S. If anyone is interested in factually presenting a case for a CAO, please contact me by email at


David Long, Meaford

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