Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Coins Are Legal Tender Too

Letter to the Editor


The following appeared in the bulletin of my church for the Christmas Eve Service 2017:


Offering Notice

Due to the inability of the ATM to accept coins, and the bank charging for depositing coins, we are asking that you please refrain from including coins in your offering when at all possible. Your co-operation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

To say I was stunned, does not begin to cover my reaction.

We are talking here about OUR, CANADIAN currency, issued by the Bank of Canada and the Royal Canadian Mint, the legal tender that makes commerce possible.

It is my understanding that it is my RIGHT to have this currency accepted at par anywhere in OUR country, where a transaction requiring money is taking place, be it paper money or coins.

For any bank in this, OUR country, to charge a fee for accepting coins for deposit, should be a CRIMINAL offence and should result in automatic cancellation of their Charter to operate in Canada.

I wold ask everyone reading this letter to make their feelings known to the Members of the Federal Parliament, regardless of party affiliation, as will I.

Absolutely furious,

Karl Braeker, Meaford

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