Thursday, March 13, 2025

MP Larry Miller: Holding the Government to Account

Letter to the Editor


I am completely dismayed and disappointed in the way that our Prime Minister and Finance Minister are attacking hard-working small business owners, farmers, young workers, physicians, and just about every Canadian taxpayer. The mismanagement of so many files by this Government is simply unacceptable and they must be held accountable.

It is impossible to believe anything that Trudeau and Morneau would have Canadians believe nowadays. Let’s take a look at their track record. In the 2015 election the Liberals made a total of 226 promises. Of these promises, only 58 have been achieved. That works out to a roughly 25% success rate when they are more than halfway through their mandate. This means that 75% of what they have promised, they have simply not delivered on. On top of this, 36 promises have already been broken (including electoral reform, running short-term deficits of $10 billion for only two fiscal years, investing $3 billion for home care services and palliative care – the list goes on).

Since early July, a series of reckless policies have been put forward that directly attack small business owners, their employees, farmers, physicians, and more. We are all well aware of the recently proposed package of reforms regarding tax planning for small businesses. Despite hearing loud and clear from many Canadians that they needed more time to be consulted, the Government pushed forward and closed consultations. Recent announcements from the Government hint that these proposals may be dialed back but the truth will come when the full details are presented. Until then, we are all left wondering what will come of these proposals and many small businesses are concerned. It seems as though the Government is attempting to ‘save face’ by announcing that they will be gradually reducing the small business tax rate to 9% by 2019 (conveniently in place in an election year). However, I want to remind all Canadians that it was this Government that, in their 2016 budget, actually stopped the previous Conservative Government’s plans to reduce the small business tax rate to 9%. The tax rate would already be at 9% if it weren’t for this Prime Minister and Finance Minister and their incompetence.

An attempted attack on young workers was recently discovered as the Canada Revenue Agency was in the process of implementing a policy to tax discounts offered to employees at their workplace. The assertion was that any money saved through an employee discount should be treated as taxable income. For example, a young student working at McDonald’s who receives an employee discount on a burger at lunch would now be taxed on the money they saved. How is it fair to attack young workers and students who are working to save money for post-secondary education? It is completely uncompassionate towards young people and only lines the Government’s own pockets. The Minister of National Revenue has tried to blame her own department for this policy but I would remind her that by definition SHE is the head of that department and, as such, is responsible for its actions. It was the Prime Minister that set the tone and the onus is him and his Cabinet to take responsibility. They cannot blame their own departments for simply following the Prime Minister’s orders.

I want to assure your readership that I will continue to stand up against this Government’s out of touch policies. Their actions in recent months truly demonstrate complete disregard for the realities that everyday Canadians face. The list of mismanagement goes on and on. We also recently learned that in response to the Prime Minister’s reckless invitation for all refugees to come to Canada – even from the United States — it will cost the Government more than $550 million. This $550 million will cover the cost of simply processing this massive influx of refugee claims – claims from individuals that entered Canada illegally acting on the word of our Prime Minister. This $550 million is just the beginning. There will be further costs associated with removing claimants that are not approved (and it seems likely that many will not be approved) and other administrative costs. All because of the Prime Minister’s careless claim.

Lastly, the Government attempted to cut back the number of wreaths provided to Members of Parliament to present at local cenotaphs and legion branches on Remembrance Day to a maximum of two. In a riding like Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, two wreaths are not near enough. My office orders 17 wreaths for local legions and cenotaphs every year. It has never been a problem for ANY Government in the past to provide MPs with as many wreaths as needed so that the Government recognizes veterans and those who served from all Canadian communities. The Government is playing petty politics with something as fundamental as honouring our veterans.

After attacking small businesses, farmers, and students, they now want to attack Legions who organize and run Remembrance Day ceremonies in memory of veterans and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. It is nothing short of shameful.

Is there anyone or anything they will not tax in order to cover their out of control spending?

Larry Miller, MP Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound

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