Sunday, January 12, 2025

Owen Sound Dialysis Clinic Expands Services


Owen Sound Hospital270Grey Bruce Health Services has received approximately $170,000 from the Southwest Regional Renal Program to expand its satellite Dialysis Clinic, located at the Owen Sound Regional hospital. These funds allow more dialysis patients in Grey Bruce to receive treatment locally, and will cover the expenses associated with extending the Clinic’s hours of operation.

For over 20 years, GBHS has worked in partnership with London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) and the Southwest Regional Renal Program to operate the Dialysis Clinic in Owen Sound. After a careful review of the number of patients who travel outside of the GBHS catchment area to receive dialysis, the Clinic was approved for expansion.

Patients who have experienced kidney failure require dialysis treatment three times per week. Thanks to additional funding, the Owen Sound clinic now operates for 16 hours a day for three days a week, and 12 hours a day three days per week. With these increased hours, GBHS can treat six more patients.

“We are very pleased to receive funding from LHSC to extend the hours of our dialysis clinic,” says Lance Thurston, President and CEO of GBHS. “This means we can accept more patients to our facility, reduce their time spent on the road travelling to and from services, and provide them with quality treatment closer to home.”

LHSC and the South West Regional Renal Program provide oversight of satellite dialysis clinics across Southwestern Ontario in partnership with eight hospitals.

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