Friday, March 14, 2025

Free Outdoor Family Fun Day Nurtures The Love Of The Outdoors


Free Outdoor Family Fun Day Nurtures The Love Of The OutdoorsHave you ever wondered about the critters that live just under the water’s surface? Would you like to know how to identify different species of plants or birds? Do you know what a wetland is and why is it important to the health of our community? Bruce-Grey area residents now have their chance to find out.

On Saturday, May 27, Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) and the Bluewater Education Foundation invite you to an action-packed outdoor family fun day from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre (BOEC).

According to Ontario DUC education specialist Stephanie Walker, kids love getting outside and into wetlands to experience nature in a whole new way. However, this event is for more than just the kids. It is also for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts of all ages.

It is such an amazing experience to see kids looking at the critters that live in our waters and learning about all the benefits wetlands provide their own local communities, first hand,” said Walker. “I think that people of all ages could benefit from a visit to the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre. It is an extraordinary place to explore and enjoy, right in their own backyards. So grab your camera and hiking shoes, and come spend a great day outside in nature with family and friends.”

Visitors are invited to trek the trails, dip for critters, get their faces painted, take a horse-drawn wagon ride, learn all about wildlife, watersheds, and wetland conservation from the experts, and so much more.

We are excited to host visitors who are curious about nature, the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre, and who want to get outside,” says Deborah Diebel, BOEC Site Manager. “Our Family Fun Day will be a wonderful opportunity for people to get outdoors and enjoy this diverse property. Now, more than ever, it is important we all take time to enjoy our families, decompress from our hectic schedules, and take a breather from our technology. There will be something here at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre for everyone!”

Event details:

Saturday, May 27 (Rain or shine)

1 – 4 p.m.

Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre

3092 Bruce County Road 13, South Bruce Peninsula

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