Thursday, February 6, 2025

Council Approves Site Plan For New Fuel Station

By Stephen Vance, Staff

proposed car wash468

Meaford’s council has given preliminary site plan approval for a new fuel station and car wash planned for the vacant property between Tim Horton’s and the Deli Restaurant on Sykes Street.

The proponent has applied to the Municipality for Site Plan Approval in order to construct a 493 square metre gas station, car wash and convenience store between the current Deli Restaurant and Tim Horton’s. Currently the proposed development is on the same property as the Deli, however the proponent has received consent approval from the Committee of Adjustment to divide the lands under decision B03/13. The area of the development on the lands will comprise 2,530 square metres,” Director of Planning, Rob Armstrong said in his report to council on February 9.

The commercially zoned property backs onto Gray Avenue, a residential street, however Armstrong told council that the proponent will be required take measures to minimize disturbance to those homes.

Special consideration has been given to ensure buffering from the residential uses. This includes a 1.8 metre high fence at the rear of the lot and the installation of clusters of Colorado Blue Spruce to buffer the fence from view of landowners on Gray Avenue,” read the report.

Armstrong added that the drive-in car wash included in the plan will have its hours limited in order to avoid late night noise.

Council was told that at this time the property owner is seeking an operator for the proposed fuel station.

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