Friday, March 14, 2025

One Man’s Vision Could Result in a Nightmare for the Rest of Us

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor: The following is a letter I sent to Council

I was in attendance at the February 2 meeting and was so impressed by Mr. Toncic’s bold “vision” for Meaford’s future that I felt a need to communicate by own misgivings on his grandiose plans which centre on the massive condo development.

It will not surprise you that I am in favour of retaining the existing Heritage bylaw which was passed in July of last year.

The following facts are the ones that I am most concerned about.

1 – Damage to the Heritage block resulting from the first stage of construction on Nelson. Some people might remember damage being done to at least one residence on Nelson during excavation for the addition to Meaford Hall. One can only shudder to think of the damage that the condo excavation could cause.

2 – Demolition or degradation to the properties owned by Mr.Toncic prior to the condo construction. This gentleman has purchased a number of properties in Meaford that he has torn down for whatever reason and left weed-choked eyesores in their wake.

3 – Lack of economic back-up to support his claims that this development will jump-start Meaford’s moribund economy.

4 – Reality check- real estate projects that have failed to materialize for one reason or another.

5 – Desperate need for affordable housing in Meaford; will these condos be affordable?

Thank you for your attention to concerned citizens regarding this matter. I’m sure there will be more meetings as more information is available.

In closing, and in full knowledge that this is just the start of a very long and complex procedure, I urge Council to vote against the proposed amendment with all the facts in front of them, not just one man’s vision that could result in a nightmare for the rest of us.


Kate Belec, Meaford

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