Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Habs vs The Hab-Nots


canadiens alumni225The United Way of Bruce Grey has announced that they will host a fundraising hockey game featuring the Montreal Canadiens Alumni Team pitted against The Hab-nots! A spunky team rostered by the Sunday Morning Hockey League Players Association (SMHLPA).

The game will be played on January 17, 7:30 pm at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre in Owen Sound.

Tickets are being handled by the Owen Sound Attack office and season ticket holders have until December 12th to exercise their options for tickets. Visit the Attack website for ticket information ( or call 519-371-7452

Details on actual players, autograph sessions and other related events will be released in the coming weeks.  There will be an auction for the opportunity to play for the Canadiens as a forward or defence player closer to the event.

Some of the potential players to participate:

Patrice Brisebois, Guy Carbonneau, Mathieu Dandenault, Stéphane Richer, Dave Morissette, Mario Tremblay, Marcel Dionne, Vincent Damphousse, Alain Côté, Steve Shutt, Yves Racine, Karl Dykhuis, Marc Bureau, Steven Finn, Gaston Therrien, Gilbert Dionne, Richard Sévigny, Yvon Lambert, Sergio Momesso, Enrico Ciccone, Steve Shutt, Normand Dupont, Mario Roberge, Gilbert Perreault, Daniel Marois, Stéphane Matteau, Éric Desjardins, Donald Audette, Jocelyn Lemieux, Claude Lemieux, Rick Green, Pierre Dagenais

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