Thursday, March 13, 2025

Meaford Author Jake Doherty Reading at the OSNGUPL


Meaford Author Jake Doherty Reading at the OSNGUPLOn Monday, November 17, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library (OSNGUPL) is hosting local author Jake Doherty. Tickets are available at the OSNGUPL located at 824 1st Avenue West. Tickets are free of charge.

Though born in New Brunswick, he now lives in Meaford near Owen Sound and spends considerable time sitting on his deck, drinking white wine — or a good single malt — and watching the sun go down on Georgian Bay.

Most mornings though are spent in his basement office writing and taking his direction from P.D. James’s “…perennial fascination with the mystery of mortality…rights vindicated, order restored.”

Jake will discuss his new title “Bearwalker Alibi”, a murder mystery that takes place on Manitoulin Island. 

Jake spent 40 years writing as a journalist, including publisher for the Owen Sound Sun Times.  He has written six short stories and his first novel “The Rankin Files” introduced us to his characters on Manitoulin Island. Mystery writer Barbara Fradkin called Bearwalker Alibi “Powerful and intelligent”. 

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