Thursday, February 6, 2025

Approval Given to Purchase New Plow

By Stephen Vance, Staff

mfd plowMeaford’s council gave approval for a purchase of a new snow plow truck at its May 11 meeting. The cost for the vehicle was included in the 2015 municipal budget, however purchases over $150,000, even if budgeted, need to be approved by council.

The new plow carries a price tag of $276,867.59, which is nearly $1,800 more than was budgeted, however Meaford Treasurer Darcy Chapman told council that savings realized in other recent fleet purchases will cover the additional cost of the snow plow.

The cost of the project was reviewed by the Purchasing Agent and the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer. The 2015 budget for this project was established for a total of $275,000. Savings from other awarded tenders for light duty pick-up trucks and the 4WD loader will more than compensate for the budget overage of $1,867.59 and therefore the award to Altruck International is within the overall financing ability of the Fleet Replacement budget for 2015,” explained Chapman in his report.

While a tender was issued, only one supplier submitted a bid.

One sealed bid was received and opened by a tender opening committee on April 9. The tender opening committee consisted of Director of Operations, the Superintendent of Transportation Services and the Deputy Clerk. The tender document provided by Altruck International for the supply of one new tandem plow represents the only responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications,” advised Chapman.

The treasurer also noted that while the municipality will be seeking bids to contract out as many as three snow plow routes next winter, the plow being purchased is still required.

Of the 50 pieces of equipment in our fleet, 27 of them are at or beyond their useful life, so the replacement of this equipment, irrespective of whether routes are tendered out or not, we still need this,” explained Chapman, adding that should snow plow routes be contracted out, the municipality will be able to reduce the size of its fleet by taking older equipment out of service without the need for replacement.

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