Friday, March 14, 2025

Get Ready For Another Soap Box Saturday

By Stephen Vance, Staff

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The first Soap Box Saturday sponsored by The Meaford Independent was a hit with voters and candidates alike.  Council candidates Shirley Keaveney and Jaden Calvert were the first to step up onto the TMI Soap Box to share their visions, and to take questions from voters who gathered for the event.

Even the rain didn’t dampen the spirits of those who attended.

This Saturday, September 27, we have Deputy Mayoral candidate Harley Greenfield, along with council candidates Lynda Stephens, Evelyn Dean, Shannon-Lee Wilkie and Steve Nickels planning to step up onto the Soap Box.

The fun begins at 11 am on Saturday morning outside The Meaford Independent office on Sykes Street. We invite all Meaford residents to stop by, cheer on your favourite candidates, ask questions, and share your own thoughts with the candidates.

We look forward to you joining us for some good old fashioned campaigning fun!

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