Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dollars & Sense With Dan White: The Costs of Continuing Education

Dan White

Dollars & Sense With Dan White: The Costs of Continuing EducationIt is starting to turn cooler and school is back in session, so it’s time for us to start thinking about how to pay for our education needs.

There is always our savings, RESPs if we started them early enough, and students can get loans and/or work part-time to supplement.

If you are fortunate you could even get grants or bursaries but they are sometimes difficult to find. Well, there is now a much more comprehensive way to start looking for the scholarships available in Grey Bruce.

The Community Foundation Grey Bruce has teamed up with the Ontario Trillium Foundation to create a website that lists scholarships, bursaries, and awards that are available for Grey Bruce students for post-secondary education.

This site is currently listing 497 scholarships, bursaries, and prizes available to students or residents from Grey Bruce. It can be accessed online at

I have personally gone on the site and found it to be easy to use, put in a couple of filters and then point your mouse at the awards, bursary, scholarship title to get more information.

Happy hunting!

Dan White is a Meaford-based Life and Health Insurance and Mutual Funds Advisor with Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network. If you have questions about financial issues that you would like Dan to write about, send him an email at:

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