Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reader Responds to Letter Suggesting Foodland Closure is ‘Not a Disaster’

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir,

Regarding Mr. Dave MacDougall’s letter June 23rd, Foodland closure not a disaster.

Yes. Mr. MacDougall does not shop at Foodland and can drive to his choice of shopping destinations.

Yes & No. While the loss of Foodland may not be a disaster – it is a loss to the community and the downtown in particular. This is not just the loss of a store that has served the community well over the years. The losses are on many levels, some of which are noted and dismissed.

No. Governed by provincial legislation in the form of the Municipal Act, municipalities are prevented from ‘bonusing’ ie. tax reductions – not to say there aren’t other options. I also doubt other downtown or local businesses would find this to be fair.

Yes. The message from Mr. MacDougall seems to be – I am not affected by this so everyone who is, should just adapt, engage taxis, or shop where, in his opinion, selection is better and navel gaze on the relentless nature of change.


Teressa Gibson, Meaford

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