Friday, March 14, 2025

Foodland Closure Not a Disaster

Letter to the Editor


Yes… It is sad that some jobs may be lost… Though I suspect that good workers will be offered jobs in the area so 20 lost jobs may not be the final tally.

Yes… It is sad that people in the downtown core may have to take a taxi or drive to other stores… This adds to their costs and for people on limited budgets this is a real issue. But other stores have better selections and more competitive prices.

Yes… The store is an anchor and tradition for the downtown business and may help drive traffic to those downtown businesses. Depending on what business or service uses that space, this may not become an issue at all.

Yes… It is most certainly a business decision. Grocery stores are first and foremost a business not a public service funded by tax payers. Governments have precious little wiggle room in deciding where and when businesses establish themselves and how long they last. Perhaps our town could change the economics of stay or leave by offering reduced local taxes or subsidies of other sorts. But I heard no one suggest that taxpayers’ money should fund a business that can’t make the business case to stay open.

Yes… Change is hard but it is inevitable. There may be bitterness because there was inadequate advance public communication about the closing. Well, the hard truth is that public discussion on private business decisions is not required. But remember Change can also be very good. Opportunity is driven by change. Perhaps you can think of services this town needs for which the location is well suited.

No… I will not miss this store… We did not shop there. When we moved to Meaford six years ago we visited both the Foodland in Meaford and in Thornbury and found them to be dated, crowded, not well organized and a bit high priced for a modest selection of goods. Since we have to drive anyway, we shop elsewhere. Bill’s Valu-mart serves much of our needs and we do shop in Collingwood and Owen Sound when we have other errands that take us there.

Bottom line… this issue is not a disaster… Nobody died. Nothing was destroyed. It is simply a change that we will deal with.

Change is life and It is relentless…

Dave MacDougall, Meaford

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