Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Net Shed Team Wins Rotary Trivia Night

Elaine Burns

Meaford Rotary logo270Scarecrows and Smarties and Triskaidekaphobics…OH MY!

You don’t need to be the Wizard of Oz to enjoy and even win this fun night. You need a team, some crazy clothes, and a knowledge base that is pretty scary. Prior misspent youth cutting classes to play Trivial Pursuit is a decided asset.

The questions are local, provincial, federal, worldwide, and some very obscure entertainment. Do you know what Prince wants to see you doing in the purple rain?

The team to beat were the Net Shed Bookies. Their $100 prize was donated to the Friends of the Meaford Library. No one was more surprised at their victory than the team itself. I know this because I was on that team. Well, as Andy Warhol said, “Everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame”. By the way, that was also one of the questions.

The fun was contagious but the reason for the evening was awesome. Proceeds went to the Rotary ‘Food For Thought’ program, which provides breakfast and lunches for students at GBHS. This helps with the proven theory that kids learn better when they are not hungry. To date Rotary has donated over $12,000 to this program. Their goal is to raise $5,000 for this year.

Of special note is that Rotary has donated in excess of $355,000 to this municipality.

There was also an opportunity to donate to the Fort McMurray Relief Fund, either in cash or by buying pizza donated by New Orleans Pizza. New Orleans also pledged to match donations through the sale of pizza. Needless to say the sale of pizza was brisk. The municipality also shared resources from the bar for this cause.

This was a fun event, and also showed the obvious enthusiasm this municipality demonstrates when need arises.

Just in case it comes up at next year’s event: Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of all things unlucky.

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