Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Reader: Time We Got Back to Basics

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I have been watching our children and the education they are not getting.

How often have we seen them in the store with no calculator, and they could not multiply by 10? How many have not practised with a dictionary that shows origins of words to show the connection among the languages? What happens when Spell Check misses words and they spell so poorly that they cannot see it? What happens when the power goes out and they do not have communication skills to replace the machines?

They are losing their interpersonal skills. Body language and facial expressions are foreign to those concentrating on texting instead of talking. Basic exercises not being emphasized which means osteoporosis in the future is being guaranteed. To fail to give the children basic skills and practise those skills so that they are there subconsciously, is like asking them to climb a ladder with rungs missing.

Cursive writing may be old but it develops small motor skills and can be done while at a meeting or where there are no batteries. It is time we got back to the basics. Forget the high priced executives and put the money into supplies and teachers for the future of our country.


Roberta Docherty, Meaford

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