Saturday, December 21, 2024

Test Your Well Water For Free


WaterSamplingKit270If you get your water from a private well, you need to test it. Public Health Ontario provides a free service for residents on well water to test for bacterial contamination.

Spring rains and snow-melt can cause higher levels of ground and surface water or even localized flooding.

These conditions can affect your well and possibly contaminate the water. That makes spring a perfect time to test the safety of your water.

Testing well water is particularly important in Grey and Bruce due to the proximity of the escarpment in the region. The rock and soil types along the escarpment affect the way water moves both above and below ground. Conditions are locally variable, but can have an impact on water quality. Is your well safe? The only way to know for sure is to test it.

Public Health serves as a drop-off for water samples and there are many other drop-off locations around the region.

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