Friday, March 14, 2025

Reader Hears From Mayor After Letter to TMI

Letter to the Editor

Mr. Editor,

As a result of my recent letter in the Independent about the Policing proposals, I received a very polite but firm response from Mayor Richardson.  It seems like my criticism of staff was misdirected. He states, “We have an excellent, professional, staff that is doing a superb job for our community.  They do not deserve to be criticized for carrying out directions that have been given to them by council.”

I was informed that any comments, concerns or criticisms be directed to council, not to staff.

I was present during a conversation among some of the key players in this saga early on, before any Public Meetings.  I was somewhat taken aback, because it appeared that we were going in one direction and that was the OSPS proposal.  Later, at the open council meetings at Woodford and Meaford I asked questions, made comments, and observed closely.  I noted that Mayor Richardson dealt with the crowd superbly.  He was fair, patient and reasonable and did not telegraph any of his own feelings about the dialogue.  However, as I watched and listened to two of the other participants representing the town it was disturbing. 

The tone of voice, and the body language, indicated very clearly that the comments of some in the crowd, in particular those in favour of OPP, were not being respected. At first I thought that maybe I was being too sensitive but there were many more in the audience who saw the rolling of eyes, raising of eyebrows, shaking of head, etc., and heard the negativity in the voices.  

As I exited the building I heard others expressing their surprise at what they heard and saw. There were more comments in the days after the Woodford meeting.  The perception among many, based on their observations, was that the fix was in.  Even if that was not so, it looked that way so it is no surprise that further actions, such as the timing of the release of certain information, became suspect.

Let me ask, was this behaviour at the public meeting directed and promoted by council?  Was it professional? 

I’m still open to accepting the OSPS proposal if it is absolutely proven to be the best deal and meets the needs of this community.  If the Consultants’ reports reinforce this choice with good arguments  and the new council agrees after thorough consideration and debate, then so be it.

Incidentally, Mayor Richardson informed me that the consultants were chosen without any bias and not given any direction and I believe him.  I was out of line going in that direction.

As well, to the long list of administrators who received a copy of the letter I received from the Mayor, including the Fire Chief, I was not slinging my arrows at all of you.

Good Heavens, Mr. Editor, maybe you shouldn’t print this!  I’ve just been critical again and I did not direct my comments to council.

Jim Hepple, Meaford

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