Monday, March 3, 2025

Reader Opposed to Municipal Investment in Solar

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

This letter is to confirm that I think the business of investing in solar power by borrowing money – of over two million dollars – is a bad idea.

Solar power has been around for some time, and it is best to leave that business to private enterprise.

Private enterprise will run a lean operation – unlike the past history of the township which does not have a great history of efficiency and a lean staff component.

Apparently there are several people on staff who have salaries over $100,000.00 already, according to the published sunshine list.

A more appropriate use of high paid staff would be to spend time making sure that Meaford Township staff seek out every efficiency possible to get the best value possible. Consider that 60 percent or more of revenue collected in local taxation will come from seniors on fixed incomes where people cannot generate additional income to pay for excessive tax hikes, hydro tax hikes and other increases. Please do not drive us out of our homes. Many of us are still working extra jobs just to make ends meet.

Thank you for reading this letter.


Belle J. England, Thornbury

Editor’s note: While it’s true that the municipality is exploring alternative energy/solar power initiatives that, if they move forward, would require debt financing, the largest of the proposed projects would net the municipality between $50,000 – $75,000 per year after all costs including debt repayment. No decisions have been made as of yet, and there will be a public consultation process prior to any decision.

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