Wednesday, March 12, 2025

In Defense of Volunteers

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir,

Why don’t they practise what they preach?

I quote:

“The active and full engagement of residents in the structure of their community is a strength that contributes to overall health and well-being…”

“My priority will be to revitalize community pride by re-engaging and celebrating the skills, experiences and efforts of volunteers…”

At the January meeting between MOM’s senior staff and the volunteer ‘Friends of Woodford Hall’, to discuss the future governance of Woodford Hall, there were some remarks allegedly made by our CAO, Ms Denyse Morrissey, and the Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Mr. Dan Buttineau, which were so disturbing as to cause a mass resignation of these dedicated volunteers. I say allegedly because I was not present, but after investigative interviews, I have no doubt that these allegations of remarks and improper actions by our senior staff are true.

Such unwarranted behaviour by any member of MOM’s staff is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Not only do such actions affect volunteers and volunteerism, one of the few really true assets MOM has, they create an atmosphere of fear, mistrust and intimidation among members of the population at large. Strong words but true. I personally know of many junior municipal staff, business owners, and elderly taxpaying residents who are afraid of the consequences of voicing their opinions should they dare differ from the views of our senior staff. By intentionally developing and using a pervasive atmosphere of intimidation and control, senior staff are continually attempting to increase their own power by influencing and directing the actions of our elected council.

At the December 14, 2015 council meeting, Dan Buttineau presented ‘the Meaford Hall Strategic Marketing Plan for 2016-2020 ‘ (report CS2015-06). On page 2 of the 4 page introduction under the sub heading, Encouraging Volunteer Engagement, section B reads, ‘Foster and develop strengthened relationships with community groups’.

On page 4 of this same report under the heading Objective #5 reads, ‘Encourage volunteer engagement’.

I find it impossible to accept the fact that the two senior staff members mentioned above can be so stupid as to prepare, present and sign a report stressing the importance of volunteers and community engagement and yet abuse the volunteers at Woodford Hall with comments such as …. ‘sorry but you and your friends have been doing it all wrong’; ….’you need attitude adjustments’; ….’you are forbidden to speak to councillors ‘; etc…etc…etc. Unless of course the team of Morrissey and Buttineau really do not want volunteers involved in projects that affect their empire!

On page 22 of the 23 page actual report, there is a chart showing the comparison between the Roxy Theatre in Owen Sound and Meaford Hall. The Roxy is owned by a board of volunteer directors; operated by volunteers, managed by volunteers, utilizes more volunteers and unlike Meaford Hall, actually makes a profit. In plain English, volunteers can do a better job at lower cost than our executive staff members. Perhaps that is why our senior staff treat volunteers with such disdain, they are afraid of losing their highly overpaid jobs!

Another quote… ‘I believe the primary role for the mayor is leadership.’

All quotes are taken from The Meaford Independent, dated September 26, 2014, (Municipal Election Guide issue) and were made by our present mayor, Barb Clumpus. Now is the time for her to show such leadership. Now is the time for her to revitalize community pride by proving that she supports ALL of MOM’s volunteers.

One final quote… ‘there is careful analysis of the risk and consequences to all decisions’.

I sincerely hope that Mayor Clumpus realizes this, after all, it is another of her electoral promises. I and many many others are waiting to see what decisive action she takes.

David Long, Municipality Of Meaford (MOM)

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