Friday, March 14, 2025

55+ Friendship Club to Host Candidate Meetings


mfd ballot box2014Meaford’s 55+ Friendship Club has been in existence for 20 years. They meet weekly from September to June at the Community Centre from 2:00 pm until about 4:00 pm.

The club has games days, parties, trips both long and short, and speakers of interest. They have also always invited all candidates for office at every level to attend their meetings as a group so that their members can get to know them better, and as such make an informed decision when voting.

Our meetings tend to be more informal than the standard evening all-candidates sessions in that they are shorter and tend toward getting to know candidates more for who they are rather than policy or platform driven orations. We are about 70 in number, all seniors, some of whom care not to attend evening meetings. As a result we find that our meetings are not redundant and do not duplicate the evening sessions. We would invite the general public to this important session,” said organizers.

The club would like to invite all who can make it to their meeting on October 7, 2014 at 2 pm. This get-together is intended for council candidates only.

Mayoral (including deputy mayor) candidates, and school board candidates will be invited to a similar event the following week.

Candidates who attend are being asked to make a short statement (suggested maximum five minutes) about who they are, and what qualities of theirs make them want to seek the onerous, somewhat thankless but very important position as councillor. After all candidates have introduced themselves, they will mingle with attendees, and field any questions they may have in either one-on-one or in small groups.

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