Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Time to Register For Owen Sound Summer Sport Programs Approaching


Time to Register For Owen Sound Summer Sport Programs ApproachingThe City of Owen Sound will host a summer minor sports registration events on Tuesday, February 23 and Wednesday, March 2 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at the Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre in the Bay Room.

Groups participating include: Minor Baseball, Minor Lacrosse, Minor Soccer, Satellites Gymnastic Club, Owen Sound Aquatic Club, and Fudoshin Classical Karate.

All those attending the registration must provide photo ID as proof of residence regardless of where you live.

The non-resident fee of $100/child/sport applies to residents living outside Owen Sound registering with Minor Baseball, Minor Lacrosse and Minor Baseball. Non-resident cards can be purchased the night of registration or in advance of registration at City Hall from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, or call Service Owen Sound at 519-376-1440. Cash, cheque, debit and credit cards will be accepted for payment of the non-resident cards.

The Municipality of Meaford covers 90 percent of the cost of the non-resident fee for Meaford residents participating in Owen Sound athletic programs, and residents no longer have to pay the full fee up front. As of last year, Meaford residents will pay only 10 percent of the applicable $100/per child/sport non-resident fee. The City of Owen Sound now tracks the registrations, and then sends an invoice to the Municipality of Meaford for the remaining 90 percent that is subsidized at the end of the registration period.

The Municipality of Georgian Bluffs will be at registration to collect the Non-Resident Fee Subsidy Request forms.

Further details regarding the registration may be found online at

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