Friday, March 14, 2025

Important For a Voter to Feel That They Have Been Heard

Letter to the Editor


I do agree that councillors should not micromanage but if they expect to get re-elected their job is much more than just referring a constituent to a phone number or email address.

One job would be to educate. Explain why a road is not being plowed. It could also be to determine whether the road clearing policy is being followed (which should not require going to a manager). One should listen to the voter’s situation. This will help a councillor to formulate new policy or readjust current policy in the future. One can get agreement that costs have to be controlled and ask for suggestions about alternative ways to do this.

It is also important for a voter to feel that he/she has been heard. A sympathetic ear goes a long way to ameliorating an angry situation. Finally there should be a follow up phone call to see how things worked out.

Bill Moses, Meaford

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